Your Immune System
is Now Under Direct Attack
All thanks to genetically engineered viruses, genetically engineered food, air pollution on the rise, stressful living situations becoming 'normalized' -There are 3 Key Areas Of Immunity You Need To fight back and WIN!
You Will Taste & Feel Radiate Immunity Working in Your Gut, Immune, Respiratory & Stress Response Systems.
Step 1: Reducing inflammatory, stress & pathogen load that wreaks havoc on the immune system, lungs and stress systems with some of the most potent antioxidants, anti-pathogen and adaptogens in the world.
When We Reduce The Pathogen Load, The Immune System is Lighter.
Step 2: Repairing gut lining with sangre de grado (a tree sap from the Amazon) which improves gut health and immunity. This also allows collagen and other nutrients to be absorbed more efficiently, supporting immune health and beauty.
When The Immune System is Lighter We Heal The Gut Lining For Nutrient & Collagen Absorption.
Step 3: Revitalizing and renewing the lungs, the first line of immune defense. This formula is a fast acting purifying agent for the blood, lung and lymphatic system as well. The powerful plant phytochemicals in this formula support the body to better transport immune cells throughout the body.
When The Gut Lining is Healed We Support The Lungs, Blood & Lymph For Transportation Of Collagen, Nutrients & Immune Cells.
(Click Down Arrow To Read Ingredients in Category)
Ayurvedic Botanicals
May be one of the most underrated spices in the world. A strong spice that normally may not be consumed on it's own. It benefits the body by being the #1 producing hydrogen food in the world. Hydrogen is an important element for properly hydrating the body (H20 being 2 parts hydrogen) and this benefits the skin and gut health tremendously by helping the body to purify itself and stay properly hydrated. This is also the highest rated ORAC spice in the world. It has anti-bacterial, anti-cancer and liver health boosting benefits. Clove is a strong purifying agent.
What most people see as a blood sugar balancer (and it is) it also has many more benefits. This spice is a prebiotic that gets the gut into healthier shape. It also has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties to weaken anything that weakens your immune system. Plus, it tastes great!
A great source of fiber and fat. Coconut contains MCT (medium chain triglycerides) which help the brain function better and improve energy and heart health. Giving an overall boost of energy to the body.
Lemongrass tastes great and adds a host of beauty and immunity benefits. It is a natural astringent that helps to reduce skin oiliness if it is too oily. It purifies the skin by removing impurities. It is rich in antioxidants and supports the body in getting a better quality night's rest, leaving you feeling more beautiful and immune in the AM!
Neem is a bitter tasting green leaf used typically in Ayurvedic medicine for many purposes. Neem helps to combat viruses, bacteria and infections as well as to purify the blood allowing nutrients to travel more freely throughout the body. This leads to healthier more radiant even-toned skin.
Ashwagandha is an adaptive herb from Ayurvedic (Indian) medicine that is one of the best stress response agents known. Studies have shown it to reduce cortisol levels, the main stress hormone the body produces. Ashwagandha is rich in phyotochemicals (plant chemicals) that help to treat skin conditions and keep the mind clear and calm. It is said to moisturize, cleanse and heal the skin.
Amazonian Botanicals
The richest source of vitamin C in the world. This Amazonian berry grown near the amazon river is beneficial for immunity, beauty and boosting serotonin levels to uplift your mood.
Also known as "Cat's Claw" in english. This Amazonian vine is anti-inflammatory, stimulates the immune system and is said to inhibit tumor cell formation. Studies suggest it is anti-mutagenic, anti-viral and immune-stimulating. The Alkaloids in Una De Gato produce an increase in phagocytosis, which causes protective cells in the body to eat harmful materials. Una De Gato has become a very intelligent vine surviving in the pathogen rich Amazon rainforest ecosystem.
A tree sap from Peru also known as "Dragons Blood" this antioxidant rich powerhouse has an ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) value of 2.8 million making it the most potent ORAC antioxidant on earth. This sap is known to repair collagen in the body which benefits both the health of the gut lining (immunity) as well as the skin and hair to maintain youthfulness and beauty.
Suma is an adaptogen from the Amazon Rainforest that helps to build a more adaptive immune system. It supports the body in producing both estrogen and testosterone, which enhance sexual performance. Estrogen is a core component of youthful skin.
Chinese Botanicals
This flower has been used in Chinese medicine for years. It has anti-inflammatory properties as well as benefits the metabolism, immunity and stress response of the body to be more adaptive.
This flower beautifies the skin and was used by the Egyptians. It decreases inflammation while improving circulation. Geranium supports skin beauty by reducing fine lines and wrinkles by tightening the skin and supporting it if it is dry. Research has shown it to fight 24 different types of fungus and bacteria.
Research suggests that kelp and other sea vegetables help to prevent the spread of estrogen related cancer such as Colon & breast cancer. Kelp is also a source of iodine, which benefits thyroid health and acts to regulate body temperature and is closely tied to hair loss.
Native American Botanicals
Cedar calms the body by relieving the nervous system and breathing pathways. This oil is anti-inflammatory, and helps reduce hair loss as well as supports healthy sebum (oil) production of the skin. It is also rich in terpenes which have a distinct pine-like smell that calm the body and improve sleep quality, enhancing beauty and immunity.
This anti-inflammatory oil is anti-bacterial, anti-infection and anti-fungal and helps to remove odor and toxins from the body. Citronella enhances circulation while stimulating key hormones and enzymes from glands that benefit immunity, metabolism and liver health.
Mint is a great addition for taste, immunity and beauty. Mint actually contains vitamin D, C and E. Mint also contains salicylic acid which helps to combat acne and skin blemishes of any kind.
Garlic is one of the easiest go-to plants for immune health and thankfully in this formula you won't have garlic breath. Studies show that garlic prevents you from getting sick and also reduces the amount of time you are sick. Garlic is a great preventative agent as well as a strong immune protectant.
Oregano is one of the strongest immunomodulators on the planet. It is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-mold and helps to keep pathogens that weaken immunity at bay. Oregano is also one of the top 10 highest ORAC antioxidant foods in the world that combat stress that weakens the body, immunity and image.
What Our Customers Say...
Immune Powerhouse Training
$197 Value
Free with 3 or 6 bottle purchase.
Crafted for Immune, Lung & Stress Support
Crafted for Enhanced Immunity, Lung Support & Stress Reduction
Crafted for Enhanced Immunity, Repairing Gut Lining, Stress & Lung Support! ;)
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David Benjamin, Founder